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Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) - Sports Medicine Program is a PCA-LA Health Champion


PCA-Los Angeles Health Champion

CHLA’s Sports Medicine Program and PCA-LA are furthering their partnership to promote both mental and physical health through a Healthy Athletes platform that includes a Healthy Athletes Symposium, a Medical Professional Conference, PCA/CHLA Workshops in schools and shared content.

CHLA Sports Medicine Physician Dr. Bianca Edison, who has served on the PCA-LA Board for two years, is spearheading the partnership.

"Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Sports Medicine Program is honored to partner with Positive Coaching Alliance to help our youth athletes, families and communities. Our organizations both agree that there can be a healthy and constructive approach to youth sports to help teams and individuals grow in meaningful ways to ensure longevity in sports participation and in life. This shared mission of keeping kids playing sports in a healthy and meaningful way serves as the basis for our collaborative projects. Our organizations have come together to team up on special outreach and educational events to help address pressing issues that youth athletes are facing today that affects their health, safety, character and emotional well-being. Positive Coaching Alliance has created a Core-4 platform for partners that center around Health, Education, Character and Leadership. Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Sports Medicine Program is proud to serve as the official PCA–LA Core-4 Health Partner."

CHLA is the leader in youth sports medicine who provides valuable information to coaches, parents, athletes and Athletic Trainers. CHLA’s Sports Medicine Program operates five Sports Medicine Clinics throughout Los Angeles specializing in youth and high school athletes.

"We’re honored to expand our partnership with CHLA as Character Development and Health Education go hand in hand in keeping kids playing sports and reaping the benefits sports can teach.”

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CHLA and PCA-LA have already successfully partnered in the LA Galaxy Community Clinic Series working with underserved kids and the Positive Sports Parent Series giving youth sports parents vital health and character advise on raising young athletes.

Several CHLA physicians and other experts lead the upcoming Healthy Athletes Symposium January 16th at Redondo Union High School including speakers Adam Krikorian, USA Women’s Water Polo Coach, Valorie Kondos Field, UCLA Women’s Gymnastic Coach and Mike Gervais, Co-Founder of Create to Compete.

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About Positive Coaching Alliance

Positive Coaching Alliance is a national non-profit working to develop Better Athletes, Better People by partnering with youth and high school athletic programs to provide young athletes with a positive, character-building youth sports experience. The Los Angeles Chapter opened in 2015 and serves youth sports organizations, schools and communities from San Diego to Santa Barbara. More information can be found at: follow us: 

Twitter: @PositiveCoachLA Facebook: @PositveCoachLA Instagram: pca_losangeles

Contact: Alan Berkes – Tel: 310-773-0128 – Cell: 424-247-3104 – Email: Website / Facebook / Twitter

About Children’s Hospital Los Angeles - Sports Medicine Program

The Sports Medicine program in the Children’s Orthopaedic Center at Children's Hospital Los Angeles is the only comprehensive program in greater Los Angeles that can care for pediatric, adolescent and young adult athletes. Young athletes play hard and don't like being on the sidelines. Led by doctors who also serve as physicians for the L.A. Galaxy professional soccer team, our program cares for all the orthopedic conditions that can impair young athletes, such as broken bones, ligament tears, dislocations, stress fractures and growth plate injuries. They are leaders in the field, employing the latest non-surgical techniques to facilitate speedy recovery and the latest arthroscopic surgical innovations when necessary. Our experts will help keep young athletes healthy, optimize performance and get them back on the field in a safe and impactful manner so their love of sport is not hindered.


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