Amanda Klemeneic

Hamilton High School: Cheerleading, Track



When reading what it takes to be a Triple-Impact Competitor- Personal Mastery, Leadership, and Honoring the Game, I have no doubt that Amanda Klemeneic is just that. I met Amanda a little over a year ago when she tried out for and earned a position on the Hamilton High School Varsity cheerleading team. As I start my second year as Amanda’s coach, I would describe (and have described) Amanda as the model cheerleader.

Amanda is very focused on doing her best in all aspects of life, and she really aims for perfection. She pushes herself in every practice to improve and pushes herself outside of practice to keep her physical fitness at its peak. Having this dedication in and outside of practice allows her to consistently perform at her highest level. I have never seen Amanda contribute less than her best, and I know I never will.

With her dedication to be the best cheerleader she can be, as well as maintaining a positive and bubbly attitude every day, Amanda is a natural leader. Her teammates notice her dedication to herself and the team and strive to be like her. They seek advice and graciously accept constructive criticism from her. Because of the aforementioned qualities and her ability to befriend and support all of her teammates, I have chosen Amanda as one of my team captains for this year. I look forward to the positive energy she will bring to every practice, performance and game as a leader.

Finally, Amanda has a love for the sport that is a feat to match. Amanda has been cheering for a great portion of her life, and has been on a varsity team all four years of high school. Whether it be cheering at a game or competing in a competition, Amanda shows her pride for what she does. She is the cheerleader I am proud to see on the sideline, on the mat, and in the community representing Hamilton Cheerleading.

I am lucky to have had the opportunity to be Amanda’s coach. She is a daily reminder that hard work and a positive attitude can make all the difference. I know she will carry the qualities I see in cheer along with her in every endeavor she chooses in life. Amanda Klemeneic is true Triple-Impact Competitor, and she is irreplaceable as a teammate.

JILL KENYON – AD/Administrator

  1. Amanda’s self-driven determination is impossible to ignore. She is constantly striving to overcome any challenges she faces and become a better person. Amanda is a current student in my AP biology class, which is extremely rigorous. Amanda will faces the difficult concepts head on and does not stop until she has a firm understanding. Once she has set her mind to on something, there is no stopping her. She has applied that same determination in cheer this school year to both her flying and tumbling skills. Amanda’s hard work has allowed her to master her scorpion and full up to extension, as well as her standing tuck and full.

  2. Amanda’s effervescent personality sets her apart from other students. No matter the circumstances, Amanda has a smile on her face and encouraging words to share. She knows how to rally and get others to buy in. This cheer season she has kept her team from feeling the negative effects of defeat. Upon losing a cheer competition, Amanda was able to help her team focus on the next competition and turn their mind set to one of determination. She works well with all the other students in the classroom and on the cheer squad. Amanda is always willing to share her skills and knowledge to help others improve.

  3. Amanda works to make cheer better by creating a collaborative feeling with other cheer teams they encounter at sporting events and cheer competitions. She is always the first to go and meet members from other teams before competition and then cheer for them during. She has a respect for other cheerleaders and shares positive feedback with them whenever possible. I truly believe she embodies the idea of good sportsmanship.

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